Navigating Parenthood and Business with Flexibility with Emily Mann

[00:00:00] Made Remarkable Intro: Welcome back and thanks for tuning in to the made remarkable podcast, hosted by Kellee Wynne.. In today's episode, Kellee is talking with Emily Mann, the founder of Ink and indigo. 

Emily shares her experience of building a successful business and the intentional marketing strategies that have paid off in the last two years. She shares her journey of teaching other artists, how to do the same talks about delegating tasks with ink and indigo. Which has allowed her to focus on developing courses and resources for artists.

Emily and Kellee emphasize the importance of thinking beyond just selling art. As an artist, it's crucial to adopt a strategic and entrepreneurial mindset. 

Focused on building and scaling to a successful business. While staying true to your creative vision. Check out the show notes and transcripts for more information about Emily exclusive promotional offers and any special links mentioned during the episode. Kellee loves connecting with listeners. 

So don't be shy. Reach out on social media and together let's build a community that celebrates the remarkable. If you want to be notified every time a new episode hits the airwaves. Just hit that subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform. Thank you for joining us today and always remembered you are made remarkable destined to achieve the unimaginable. Now let's get to the good part. 

Introducing Kellee Wynne and Emily Mann.

[00:01:17] Kellee Wynne: Well, hello. Hello. I'm Kellee Wynn, artist, author, mentor, fiercely independent mother and wife, and the founder of a multiple six figure creative business. And I love my life, but I've been where you're at. I was slogging away at this art business thing for more than a decade. Once I finally connected with my true calling, unlock the magic of marketing and built a system that could scale, while I realize I can make an impact and make a substantial income, I'm finally running a business that I love and it makes all the.

Difference in the world. My biggest dream is to help you do the same. Let this podcast be the catalyst to your biggest success. You already have it in you because you are made remarkable.

Well, I have Emily back on the podcast today after having spent a year with her in the league and getting to know her way better than I ever thought I would be able to have the opportunity for. So thank you, Emily, for shoWynneg up here. Hi. Thank you, Kellee. We were just in a deep conversation. We finally said, let's hit record because this is the honest view of Running your own business, being a mom, being a woman.

Being exhausted and yet still having ambition. Absolutely. So we are both discussing the fact that our family has had a lot of extra needs in this year and we're just kind of holding it together. 

[00:02:49] Emily Mann: Tenuously, holding it together at times. Absolutely. 

[00:02:53] Kellee Wynne: At times. Yes. So. It's public knowledge that my son's had health issues.

He's 25, so he's not a child, but it's, it's really what we're looking at is how do you keep juggling work? Because we're both business owners. How do you keep juggling work and still be present for your children when you know that there's always something that comes up? 

[00:03:18] Emily Mann: Yeah, I mean, so same for me, you know, 2 of my children, especially about health challenges of a sort of different order, but especially since the new year, which is like, was unexpected but had also been building and so it and sort of perfectly coincided with, like, these big goals and plans that I had had, and that we have been working towards in the league and that, you know, Had been planning for.

And so, I think what's, you know, been really important for me is to realize that everything you're building for doesn't just go away when you have to make a shift and that people know that, you know, especially when these businesses that we are built are built around us as people is that people do understand that we are, women, business owners, parents, and that, like, I haven't been great at this, but that like communicating that you've had to make an adjustment is, is like helpful, and then certainly just like giving yourself grace and just knowing that, like even though it's like stressful for you and you're like, we hold ourselves to like super high standards and have like very real pressures financially and.

 We're employing people where we have right overhead. We have like, these are real things. It's no joke. That we also, like, can only do so much. I mean, you have to prioritize your own health. You have to prioritize your own rest and and all of this falls apart if you don't. Function. So you absolutely have to also know that there are just like limits.

So, I mean, for me, I'm just kind of like, had to just laugh about some of it and just be like, okay, I had so many goals and then Like literal days where I would have like today, I'm going to send this email. And then I would sit down to write the email or whatever it was, and that would be the call from school to pick up my kid again, because he's not feeling well again, or whatever it was.

And so, just sort of letting these things go and then looking ahead and saying, what are we going to do differently? Because this sort of isn't changing. These factors at home are not going to change in the timeline that I need them to. So, like, what are the other things? What are the other tools that I can employ?

And sort of what you had been talking a lot and the other people in the league had been talking a lot about is hiring a VA. And I have been very sort of adamant that I couldn't afford it. That it was just one more thing that I can't really manage. I didn't know how to pass things off. And. It just felt like too much.

I'm like, I didn't literally couldn't figure out how to do it. Like, how to outsource any more of the tasks. Cause I'm like, how, you know? And I think some of this, like, especially with some of these tasks that are going to never go away, but are so important to the business, like updating my website, of sending out newsletters, obviously that is like a non negotiable, can't happen right now with as busy as the Ink and Indigo side of, of the businesses.

And as much as that side of the business needs me, that is something a VA can help with. So VA is a virtual assistant. So. Really looking at it. I'm like, I got to make this happen. So that is happening. I'm hiring a virtual assistant. So I guess really leaning on, trusting that I can make this work financially for a lot.

Like, I can, I have to invest in some of these other tools that are going to help this be sustainable long term because. My kids aren't going to need me less anytime soon and I have to be available for them in ways that mean, like I have to have a schedule that is very flexible.

So that means I need more help to make sure, I'm able to do that. 

[00:07:21] Kellee Wynne: Well, the flexibility is the key. And one of the reasons why you and I both have our own business, because we don't have to answer to somebody else when inevitably the kids call and want to be picked up from school, whatever the reason, sometimes they're sick.

Sometimes they're emotionally overwhelmed. I went through that with my middle child or actually my youngest child. Every single week through middle school. And I'm like, I don't know how I'm supposed to run a business if I'm always on call. But then you realize that was the reason why I created the business in the first place is because I want to be available for them.

And I, I can always say, sorry, Charlie, I got something to do. I got to go pick up my son and I don't have to answer to anyone for that. But it does create Some disruption and you're right, hiring some help for some of the things that need to get done, can keep propelling the business forward.

And also some of the more like unexpected things that we need, like more household help, like hiring a house cleaner freed me up so much time to, to either Work on the business or be present for the kids and not have to nag them to do all the cleaning, although they still responsible for a lot of the chores, but it's like, there are just certain things in order to make space to grow.

But eventually, you just have to come to the realization, like you said, it's like, I might have to postpone some of my ambitions in order to be present for the challenges I have right now. And that's what you and I were talking a lot about before you, we hit record. Honestly, what we're really talking about is that we are going to design a retreat for all of us ambitious, ambitious women, business owners.

And the retreat is we're going to a hotel and we're not even going to talk to each other. We're going to stay in our room and order food service and text each other. This is a recovery retreat. 

[00:09:19] Emily Mann: We have blankets in every room. 

Another thing that I've really been like, has really changed over the last year is I feel like I have gotten so much better at delegating to the people who are already here, and helping, and not just me delegating but like, Really looking at, what everybody's strengths are and them just stepping into what they're really good at and has freed up.

Like, I was doing so many dumb tasks around here, ordering things, managing things that I didn't need to manage, or that aren't even really my strengths. And like seeing everyone else within Incan Indigo able to do these things that I have been doing and do them better than me is awesome.

Like, it's so, it's so great. It's so fun. And that's very freeing. And I think that is going to be how This business keeps growing, and, how I'm able to keep focusing on the other aspects that I want to develop, which is the course, which is the other resources for artists, which are things I'm still really excited about and like.

I'm like, every time I have talked to other artists about it, you know, launching this tool kit, for instance, like, getting that out to artists has been so satisfying. Getting the feedback from that has been really satisfying. Because it was like, all this stuff that we had been working on for a year and workshopping for a year.

That was like, the 1st time I've been able to sort of get it out to people who hadn't already known me or like. You know, interface with me in some way. And, you know, it's 

[00:11:00] Kellee Wynne: let's be clear what it is. What, what sparked this, you were on the podcast about a year ago ish, and you started talking about the background of your business, which you've been working with hospitality, interior designs, hotels, cruise ships, hospitals.

Restaurants, all kinds of really amazing projects. And if anyone wants to go back and listen to that, we'll link that in the show notes. But after that, you had a lot of inquiries like, okay, please tell me more about what you do. How can you help me? I'd love to get into this industry. 

[00:11:34] Emily Mann: Yeah. So hearing from other artists who are like, I also would like to have my work in these spaces. How do you do that? 

[00:11:42] Kellee Wynne: Right. And so, at that point, it was like, okay, this is a no brainer to put together, a really comprehensive coaching program to help guide. Established artists, we want to make that very clear people who know their voice have a clear direction. They're an expert in the art that they make.

It doesn't matter whether they sold anything, but they have a clear point of view. How to start building those relationships in the hospitality industry and build up and be able to work with big projects and how to even approach an interior designer to get the work purchased. And it's like, the real understanding is how long it actually takes.

To put something like this together, formulate it, and getting it out into the world is so much, sometimes so much longer than so much real life, especially considering we have our regular work and our regular life. day to day being moms, which is really, honestly, something that's kind of slowed you down because I think you wanted to have this program ready.

All right. 

[00:12:48] Emily Mann: Oh, I mean, and truly it's like it when especially frustrating when it's all already like, in your brain and even a lot of the work is already done. Like, content is already framed out and everything. I mean, truly, I could have launched the beta in the fall, like, as far as, like, the readiness goes from my time, but the real, real life.

Where, like, where I'm pulled has been different. So the idea is with this beta course is that we're going to launch it live and run it for probably. 7 to 8 weeks. And it would be twice a week live. One part will be going over sort of like the module of that week. And then one part will be like a Q and a, able to ask questions about that content.

And that way I'm going to get a real good feel for like, is this like too much of a fire hose of information? Cause it's a ton of info. It's, it's everything I know from being an art consultant for almost 10 years. And then. Working as an artist within this field for more than a decade. So it's, it's, it's something I really want to do right.

And I really want to be able to answer people's questions. And I really want to be able to, have it be very interactive and I don't want to shortchange people at all. I feel very strongly about, wanting to give it my all. So I want it to be at a time when, you know, when I'm not dealing with crisis in my household.

Um, yeah. 

[00:14:14] Kellee Wynne: The question is, will that ever? Will there ever be a time? 

[00:14:18] Emily Mann: Yes. Well, you know, I think these aren't like, you know, it's like an hour twice a week, essentially. So I think now that I have a better idea of what's going on in my household and, we're hiring in addition to hiring a VA, which I'm so excited about.

She starts in June. We're also hiring on more help on the studio side, which is like. Right. So, that's awesome. So she starts on Friday. that's going to be huge too. 

[00:14:45] Kellee Wynne: Right. Yeah. So, in order to grow the million dollar business, let's just be honest. You need million dollar helpers. 

[00:14:53] Emily Mann: Exactly. I think what that's going to mean is after we kind of see how this levels out, that will mean that, like, 

I guess just to backtrack a little bit. So everything happening with that also coincided with all these seeds I had planted with my very intentional marketing directly to consultants. nurturing the clients we had. We have been so busy, so very busy. 

[00:15:18] Kellee Wynne: So let's, let's do a little like broader view. Last year, we talked about how your entire business has grown.

You moved into a larger, And when we talk, it's like people think warehouse space, like really large production team that helps you build some of the artworks and huge pieces, the installation pieces. So you've developed the artwork, but kind of like. Andy Warhol's studio. Once the idea and concept is developed, you have people who are helping you with the pieces of building projects, you know, and, and that's 

[00:15:57] Emily Mann: still in everything, but like, like Robin and Sam are helping, like, like we're working as a team on most of the pieces and a lot of these things are made of a million elements.

So like, I don't need to be the one physically making all the little elements on a lot of things. But yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, but yeah. 

[00:16:18] Kellee Wynne: Yeah, no, no, it's okay. It's like, it's exciting really to think about how we as artists think very small about, I make a painting, I sell a painting. Rather than understanding that if you want to create a business that's beyond just making a few dollars selling artwork on Instagram or Your website, right?

Or in a gallery where you're just, you know, honestly, I went that route and I didn't make a lot of money. You really harnessed a whole different point of view, which is a production workshop where you're taking your creativity and just supersizing it. 

[00:16:55] Emily Mann: Yes, and you know, part of what I'm teaching the courses that you don't have to do it anywhere near the scale that I'm doing it to have it be like, a very meaningful part of your income as an artist.

Right, you know, you can still maintain the other ways that you work and work with consultants. And and still have it be a big part of your income as an artist. So, yeah, so we moved into this new gallery space. And we had been really intentional. We've always been really intentional, but we had really thought about our, the ways that we market.

And really over the last, I would say two years, been extra intentional about the ways that we market to our consultant friends and reaching out to new clients. And it all started to pay off very meaningfully dominoes. So in addition to like just everything that was happening with like building this course, things at home, all the things, we have been so tremendously busy so it's just all kind of happened at once.

So it's been an awesome problem to have. And very exciting. It's been crucial to get more help and, yeah, 

[00:18:08] Kellee Wynne: let's talk about some of the things that you're just working towards being able to share with other artists. And how we built this out through what you learned in the league.

So you, you have Ink and Indigo, an established studio that's been selling artwork to interior designers and hospitality industry. You, I know from discussions we've had, it's relationships you've built, it's, it's the way you've designed your website, even. The way that you use Pinterest very thoughtfully.

I love all the different ways in which you've built up this ink and Indigo part of your business and that you have support and help people who are always helping manage the contracts, manage the artwork, helping with the installations and all of that. Now we have a new little sprout of a business, which is you helping other artists, learn how to do what you've been doing for a couple of decades, really, like, from from the, art consultant to the artist who's working with them.

You really. I mean, to me, you're the only 1 I know that's done this successfully and been able to bring in contracts that are. In the amount of money that I don't think most artists ever see, you're really an expert in this field, but getting to the point of being able to communicate that to the artists and say, Hey, now I want to take you on this journey.

We worked on that for the last year, and a lot of those was just establishing a routine for you to show up online and talk about it. Um, which is. Yeah. 

[00:19:40] Emily Mann: Yeah.

That was huge. I mean, truly, just even coming on the podcast for the first time, that was huge. Just getting over that. And now, I mean, I would recommend for people who are anxious about, that aspect is to just keep doing it and get over it, and find a group, an accountability group to show up online in a zoom format, even.

It helps with that because you do just get used to literally seeing yourself and that just helps you get over it. I still hate it, but I do it and I'm not doing great about Instagram right now, but that's a whole other story, but I will 

[00:20:18] Kellee Wynne: get back on that horse when you're ready. I mean, it's up and ups and downs, but that's why we build the list, you know, 

[00:20:26] Emily Mann: and the list.

Okay. So I would say from the league perspective, I feel like it was. The only way that I really could have learned about this entire ecosystem, that is what even is a course. Like, I guess everyone else knew about courses. I didn't even know people were doing courses. I didn't even know that anyone was interested in learning this way.

Like to me, there was, I had no idea. So 

[00:20:52] Kellee Wynne: how to build the like course and coaching side of your business. 

[00:20:56] Emily Mann: Yeah. Like I just didn't know people would even be interested in learning that way. So to me, I would have first had to somehow stumble upon that as a thing, and then. Learn on my own that there's 8, 000, 000, 000 different platforms to choose from and then somehow figure out which 1 of those was best.

And then. Okay, which email server and then okay, what's segmenting and blah, blah, blah. So having this, like, container in which to, learn about these things. And then also other experienced people. These aren't other newbies for the most part. These are other people who've kind of done a bunch of different things, even if it's completely different than what you're doing, um, but they've already done a bunch of things and know, have had a lot of relevant experience in building a list, in selling, selling a product or selling a course or whatever.

And segmenting, like all these very like technical things, which sound very scary, but once you're doing them, do you start to make sense? 

[00:21:55] Kellee Wynne: Well, we do have some simplified systems and processes that I teach through my remarkable rounds. And I think that's something that sets it apart. Like I'm coming at it from a creator, creator's point of view.

Like I'm an artist. I understand how artists brains work. I understand how. The artist customer works as well. And so I found these simplify, like the prison marketing methods so that you really don't have to like spin your wheels anymore. It's like, okay, here,

[00:22:25] Emily Mann: I'm going to say is like, it's like a huge shortcut, but I don't want to make it sound like a shortcut because it's not easy or quick.

And it's, you need to account like. Go ahead and know that you're going to need at least a year and then realistically a couple years to like build things up. And that's not because it's going to take all that time to just learn it from you or within like working with you. It's just like, that's how long it takes to build things, period.

[00:22:53] Kellee Wynne: Yeah, when you're, when you're trying to establish a business and get it to the multiple seven figures or whatever, it's like every year builds upon the other years instead of not just that you 

[00:23:04] Emily Mann: won't have something to show before then, but just to 

[00:23:08] Kellee Wynne: get it so that it's a well oiled machine. But you know, it took me like a dozen years before I figured all of these pieces out and that's why I don't want anyone else to have to wait that long.

That's why I designed. Build it remarkable. And the remarkable league is because I would much rather shortcut, at least your knowledge of what you need to do to get to where you need to go. And from an artist's point of view, because there are plenty of really good programs out there that can teach how to run a business, but my whole goal is to help artists, creatives, makers run their business.

[00:23:43] Emily Mann: Yeah. Yeah. And so, and then from like the sales perspective, I feel like there is so much. Super conflicting information, confusing information, dead end, weird social media focused information out there about sales that I think is really defeating and sends people down some really dead end paths.

And I think having, like you said, like a very clear way of approaching a sales method, that's not weird and gimmicky. Right. Because I would have just like run, if you had come at it with some weird, like, You're going to do this like, I don't know if it had even approached a pyramid scheme of any sort, I would, you know, 

[00:24:34] Kellee Wynne: I'm so anti that too.

I had to think long and hard before I decided to go down the route of teaching how to run a business. I never want it to feel like those. I mean, I don't want to be too negative, but like that bro energy Lambo type thing that people are just like, hustle, hustle, hustle artists are made to hustle.

[00:24:58] Emily Mann: Right. Well, and I think most people really aren't. And a lot of those things you're hearing, like these success stories that are like, Not super realistic, you know, or you're hearing someone who's actually coming from a lot of money or who has a spouse who's actually supporting, you know, like you're not hearing the whole script, which is fine.

Like nothing to say that those people are like, don't have a valid point too, but like, it's just not super helpful for most of us when we're building a business. So I think what's helpful from the league is you get this. like, methodology, which I haven't gotten to like fully put into practice yet.

But what's nice is that like, I have the material, I have Like the coursework and I know that now, even though I've kind of had to kind of like put a pause on exactly my exact timeline. I know I have this to come back to and I know it's going to work. And I know that I also it's adaptable because I, have particularities about the way I like to do things and just my style is what my style is and it's all adaptable for that.

And I've already seen it. For all these other people in the league, literally, like you actually big share their numbers, you know, like seeing this numbers for other people, it makes you want to cry. Like you're seeing people's lives change, you know, like their successes. You're so proud of these people who you've seen working so hard at home and you know, from the little zoom view we get from them.

And it's just so exciting. You know, and you've seen their life situation where they might have had a kid be sick or a kid, you know, like whatever, their own challenges. So It just gives you something that you can come back to as you're able to, or when you have a new idea, you can apply the same kind of methodology to again, 

[00:26:41] Kellee Wynne: it is something that honestly, if even if a car mechanic wanted to apply these kinds of concepts, it's simple enough.

But I've definitely designed it for the way the artist's mind works, the creative works and also we don't like. Rigid schedules. We're parents, we have kids to take care of. We, you know, installations to go on for you. Yeah. We still want to be able to make art. We don't want to spend our entire business only working on the business.

Although confession, that's all I've done this year so far, but that's because I'm launching something new. Well, it's not new, but it's, it's the third year of me teaching and coaching, but it is needing to offer it at this level that I'm going for. But I purposely designed it like I work this way and then I know that I can take a couple of months to just dive deep into my artwork.

But everything I do is systems that can be just set up to run. Like when I talk about systems, let's just make it clear. So that people are like, What are these magic systems? It's a simple marketing method of. Having some sort of form of social media or content that you are consistently putting out, asking people to get on your email list by providing them something really relevant and juicy and continuing to nurture them on the newsletter so that, you know, you, they know who you are and they get to know you better and how you can help and serve every time.

It's like if every piece of content that I'm putting out there is to make someone else's life better. Then we keep moving in the right direction. That's why it was so icky and scummy because we're really doing it from a place of I'm going to help serve you and make your life better. And in the long run, if I have what you want from me, whether it's an art course, a coaching program.

Collaboration, a community insight 

[00:28:44] Emily Mann: into your like, behind the scenes stuff. Yeah, just behind the 

[00:28:48] Kellee Wynne: scenes. 

[00:28:48] Emily Mann: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, even though like I said, like, newsletters is 1 of the things that fell away and that's actually something I really like doing. Even though I haven't kept up with, like, my goals on it, I grew my list by a ton and that's something I hadn't grown because I literally only use my list previously to communicate with, like, existing clients, like, consulting clients.

And that's been something that has now just been steadily growing and that was something that literally wasn't growing. I just, you know, if someone happened to stumble upon my site. They would maybe sign up, but it was like, I just didn't care about it. I didn't think I needed to care about it because I was only looking at my business through this lens of consultants are going to buy my work consultants are my only people.

So I'm just using that as an example of when you have the intention and you like put that effort, it really works, you know? And so I, I've seen, and I'm seeing it working and then other people are seeing it working. So it's nice to know that when you have those, that list too, that that's there for me to come back to, like, that's I'm going anywhere you know, 

when I'm able to sort of come back, 

[00:29:52] Kellee Wynne: we are hoping that at some point this year, you will be launching your program. I will be and it'll be a beta version open large. You've done a test run, though, on a smaller scale with individuals to teach them. Oh, yeah, 

[00:30:07] Emily Mann: last year. So, and then in a professional group that I'm in done like, 

sort of to a group, and that was really well received too. So that was fun. 

[00:30:15] Kellee Wynne: Yeah. So at some point, this program will be available this year. I'm going to continue to nudge you and encourage you. I know life gets in the way sometimes, but it is totally doable because you're doing the method that I've.

Learned now and recommend and have tested and perfected, which is run it live as a beta version before you try to record all these videos and get everything in order, which is a mountain in and of itself. Yeah, and so at some point this year. But in the meantime, you do have a special PDF that you've created.

It's like a jumpstart list to get going in the industry that you're in. Yes. 

[00:30:58] Emily Mann: Yep. And the link you should be able to download it to the link I sent to you. Yes. I'll have that in the show notes. Okay. 

[00:31:05] Kellee Wynne: At the very least, everyone can connect with you at inkandindigo on Instagram. 

[00:31:12] Emily Mann: And please download that toolkit because, it's a great starter, even before you do the beta course with me, because it's sort of like helps you get all your ducks in a row and get your brain around what even this is and whether or not it's something you're even interested in, because it makes it so much easier.

For some people, it maybe isn't a great fit. And so I think it kind of is a great sort of like insight into what this is and how you can work within it. And a little bit of an insight into who I am. And some of, like, the little tricks, there's plenty of info in there to get you started. And so a toolkit 

[00:31:45] Kellee Wynne: for working with 

[00:31:47] Emily Mann: our consultants, interior designers, architect firms.

[00:31:51] Kellee Wynne: Yes. 

[00:31:52] Emily Mann: Get that art out there, for sure. 

[00:31:54] Kellee Wynne: Get that art out there. My big dream back in the 20 teens was to do that and I could not figure it out. And now here is Emily, helping everybody. , I think it's going to be a hugely popular program. So I'm really excited for you. And in the meantime, it's okay to put it. On the back burner for a bit while we manage being women and moms taking care of all that. 

[00:32:26] Emily Mann: No, I feel good about like, I mean, honestly, just the last 2 weeks I've already started, like, things have been leveling out a little bit and knowing that I have help coming. So I feel like I'll have some actual dates.

Soon. So that's encouraging. Because I am really excited about this. I'm like, I want to talk people's faces off about this. So when you're passionate. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, you know, people need this info there's so much so many different ways to work that I think artists will be amazed that they hadn't even thought of these.

You know, I 

[00:33:01] Kellee Wynne: mean, I'm, I'm wondering if I'm ready for a pivot. I'm kidding. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not yet. I'm going to continue to build their businesses, but behind the scenes, I'll be working with Emily to get some of this art out of my house and into the hands of some of these. I, 

[00:33:20] Emily Mann: I'm happy to assist in that way, for sure.

But yes, and sign up for my newsletter too, because. As we release the new dates, well, you'll hit the, you'll, you will be on the newsletter. Once you sign up to get the tool kit and that's what we'll be sending out the new dates and the beta course info. So 

[00:33:36] Kellee Wynne: we're sure. All right. I learned how to do all that from Callie.

Yeah, thank you so much. Um, and I'm so glad.

[00:33:43] Emily Mann: I hope that made sense. I know we rambled there for a minute, but 

[00:33:47] Kellee Wynne: no, no, it's great. I love it. That's all this is supposed to be a casual podcast anymore. Good. Good. 

[00:33:53] Emily Mann: Well, thank you. And thanks for everything. 

[00:33:55] Kellee Wynne: Thank you. 

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