Episode 9: Burnout is a Sign You're Not Following Your Truth

UNFOLD with Kellee Wynne Podcast square episode 9

Hello and welcome back to Episode 9 of Unfold with Kellee Wynne.  Today Kellee is talking about burnout and sharing her experience of how she was able to identify her own burnout and the tools she used to reconnect with her truth.  It’s a solution-based conversation and encourages us to go deeper into ourselves and reflect.  

Are you ready?

Fact.  If you don’t take a break and take the time to breathe and center yourself, you will at some point get overwhelmed and lost in the process. 

“You need to live your truth first so that you don’t crash and burn later”

Kellee worked and continues to work through the challenges of burnout with these 8 steps;

  1. Give yourself grace with a much shorter to-do list.
  2. Look at the list and cut it back.  Pick the 3 most important things to do this week.
  3. Talk it out.  Get support.
  4. Make small changes daily.
  5. Stop trying to be good at everything. 
  6. Let go of expectations.
  7. Trust yourself and listen to your intuition.
  8. Live in gratitude.

“I am ready to go big. And I want to know, are you ready to live out loud with me? Put your burnout to the side start healing. Stop yourself before you go over that cliff this next time. Ask yourself what really matters? Are you on the right track? And are you following your truth?”

Rethink the possibilities with your Creative Business! Download this free guide: 100 Ways to Make Money as an Artist
Follow Kellee on her Instagram account @kelleewynnestudios
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 Click here for the transcript


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