Everything You DON'T Need to Get Started With Your New Art Business

[00:00:00] And instead of doing it, I researched doing it. This might sound familiar because that's exactly what I did about getting started with my art as well. I researched it. I asked my friends. I spent some time online and I hemmed, and I hod because I thought I needed everything to be just right to get going. That perfect brand and the perfect logo and the whole 10 years mapped out. And I have to tell you, I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how to make everything perfect before I got going.

[00:00:42] You're listening to Unfold with Kellee Wynne. This is an unpolished, imperfect, and totally honest podcast, and I'm talking to all the artists creatives. Visionaries and change makers who wanna live a life by design and not by default. If you're ready to have thought-provoking, eye-opening, and heart-centered conversations that explore the stories that made us who we are and break through the boundaries of expectations, then you are in the right place.

[00:01:13] Well, hello. Hello. Welcome back to Unfold with Kellee Wynne. I am thrilled that you're here. Can I just say thank you so much for helping me make the launch of this podcast a huge success. It means the world to me that you're showing up, you're listening, you're sharing with your friends, and you're commenting and letting me know how it's affecting you.

[00:01:32] I wanna know that what I have to say might make a little bit of a difference. I mean, that's why I'm here. If I can spark something in you, then I know I'm doing my job. And so here we are with this podcast and I'm having so much fun. Are you having so much fun? All right. Here we. On the heels of last week's podcast where we talked about a hundred ways to make money as an artist without selling your art, I figured you're probably like, okay, but Kelly, now tell me how are we gonna do it?

[00:02:02] How are we gonna get started with our new art business? It seems so overwhelming and daunting. Well, today I'm gonna tell you everything. You don't need to get started with your art business because here's a huge mistake we make over and over again. We think we need everything perfectly lined up, all our ducks in a row, and everything all figured out before we get started.

[00:02:24] And I, I just have to tell you, this was me. This was me in 20 17, 20 16, even thinking, okay, I have this idea that I'd like to transition to teaching more online and creating more community and collaborations. And instead of doing it, I researched doing it. This might sound familiar because that's exactly what I did about getting started with my art as well.

[00:02:49] I researched it, I asked my friends. I spent some time online and I hemmed, and I hod because I thought I needed everything to be just right to get going. That perfect brand and the perfect logo and the whole 10 years mapped out, and I have to tell you, I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how to make everything perfect before I got.

[00:03:14] So as you can see, the very first thing that I'm gonna tell you you don't need is perfectionism. That's just hindering you from getting started on doing something that you love. I want you to put that away and understand. Just get it out there. Just take that first step. So I'm gonna list a few things.

[00:03:35] That you may think that you need in order to start this new dream business. And maybe I can dispel a few of the, uh, falsehoods around, you know, how we run businesses online and how we create creative businesses that will make a big impact on you and everybody around you. Well, what's holding you back is this list of things you think you need to do.

[00:03:59] So I wanna start with the one thing that you're gonna go and look at doing first is your branding and logo. Just stop and just realize you don't need a logo to sell your art or to make an online course or to make an offer to teach in person at your local art store. You don't need a logo or perfectly designed brand name with the perfect colors and the perfect fonts.

[00:04:28] You don't need this. You definitely don't need to hire someone to do this for you. You need your name. And your intention, and if you really want to make something, you've got Canva to help you for free . But I'm telling you, for some reason when we go to start a business, this is the first place everybody starts, is this perfect idea of branded image that the colors have to go together.

[00:04:54] You have to have your font decided. This has held me back so many times. Can I tell you how many logos and designs I've made over the course of the last 10 years? And none of them have stuck. None of them are the same as they were when I started. The only thing that's the same is my name Kelly Wins studios.

[00:05:11] That's what I use for my business, and that's what shows up over and over again. The other thing that's the same. And I have to tell you, just you, your name and your own charm is all you need to show up and get going. So don't worry about that perfect logo. And on the heels of that, I'm gonna say also, don't worry about the perfectly designed website either.

[00:05:34] You don't need an expensive, professionally designed website. In fact, you really don't even need a website at all because there's a lot of ways that you can sell your art or your product. or your services directly to the customer without needing a really. Excellent website in order to do it with the landing pages and the images, and the, again, the logos and the fonts and all of that stuff.

[00:06:00] You don't need this. I have to tell you, when I decided that I was gonna start selling my art, I used a blogger page, a free Google Blogger page. and all I did was create a couple of tabs that said this is who I am and this is the art that I have. And if I wanted to sell it off of that blogger page, all I did was sign up for PayPal and put in the the little Buy it Now button on my free blogger page.

[00:06:26] So there are so many ways that you can get started without having to spend any money or have any fancy design. , the most important part is that you're just showcasing who you are and showing up. So you know, you could be using Etsy, you could be using your, oh, I know so many artists that just sell right off of their Instagram.

[00:06:49] So really you don't need that perfectly designed website. So if you feel like the website is holding you back, then I have to tell you just get going. Make the offer show. You don't need something perfectly designed. Few other things that might be holding you back that you think you need in order to be a professional art business person in this world.

[00:07:12] You do not need a college degree. No, I don't have a college degree. I've gone and taken college classes. I've taken a lot of courses. I've studied art history. I've studied fine. I've studied writing. I've taken classes from different professional artists. I don't have a degree, and I'm fine with that because guess what, in hindsight, what I have is life experience, and you have that as well.

[00:07:37] So if you don't have a degree, Fabulous. Doesn't matter. Just get going. If you do have a degree, what can you learn from that degree And then also look at your life experience and just get going. You do not need gallery connections or high connected people in order to get started doing something. As a professional, you do not need a gallery.

[00:08:01] We know now that a lot of people are selling their art online does not make you a more legitimate artist to have had gallery representation. What makes you a legitimate artist? You make art. Boom. There it is. That's it. You decide and you do, and that's what makes you legitimate. No one else's needs to give you that permission.

[00:08:22] No gallery, no fancy connections. You don't need that in order to sell your art or sell your services or your teaching or your course. You don't need someone else's permission. You don't need the other connections. You don't need. Ah, artists that you admire, that you're following to say, yes, you're worthy of doing this.

[00:08:42] You don't need any of those things in order to get started. Just a desire and an ability to show up. No connections needed. What else do you not need? Fancy equipment? Look, to be an online course creator, you do not need fancy equipment. I use my smartphone to record my lessons. and then you can use all kinds of online free programs or inexpensive programs from iMovie to InShot in order to edit the lessons and get them up online.

[00:09:17] You do not need fancy equipment. You do not need sound equipment and li fancy lighting look an inexpensive daylight. Can do the trick if you don't have sunlight. Simple. Keep it easy. Use your phone to record the videos, the videos of you talking to your customers, the videos of you making your art, the whatever it is that you need to do.

[00:09:40] You don't need something expensive. You don't even need a high-end computer. You just need good connection to the internet. , yes, you need the internet cuz that's where you're going to be sharing all of who you are. But you don't need high-end equipment. And if you think that you need fancy equipment, which I have to tell you, I thought I needed a lot of fancy equipment to get started and I spent money on fancy equipment.

[00:10:02] And guess what? It's still sitting in my closet. Why? The best thing that I've used is the easiest thing that I've used, the thing that has the fewest barriers to getting started and just get making and doing. You don't need fancy equipment. All right? You also do not need everything all planned and mapped out.

[00:10:26] If you think that you need a perfectly designed business plan in order to get. Making an income with your new art business, then you're gonna be sitting around scratching your head for years trying to figure out what that perfectly designed business plan is. Yes, have an idea. And start going with it.

[00:10:45] And if you're a great planner, then I'm not saying don't plan, but if you think that you have to have a well thought out, mapped out plan in order to get started, I'm gonna be the first to tell you all those beautiful plans, , they're gonna change. And you're gonna discover and learn along the way that it might not have been what you wanted in the first place anyway.

[00:11:05] And your experience is gonna help guide you and grow you. So just start with the very first thing. What is it that you wanna do? Start with that first thing and build upon that. You don't need a perfectly mapped out plan. Another thing I'm gonna tell you you don't need is you don't need fancy photo shoots.

[00:11:24] You don't. Perfectly quat hair and to lose 10 pounds before you start doing this, you are perfect the way you are. Turn your phone on to the selfie mode and snap some pictures. You're beautiful. Stop worrying about being perfect. No one wants perfect when you show up online to sell your art, because then they're gonna end up with something that isn't what they expected.

[00:11:50] What they really want is you, they wanna connect with you, see who you are. Value you for who you are and you can show up and value yourself for who you are too. No, perfect photo shoots are necessary. You don't need to lose weight in order to get started doing your business. And why do I say this? Because can I tell you how many times I've held back from showing up because I was having a bad hair day or I.

[00:12:16] Acne for some reason in my forties still, or I keep planning on losing another 30 pounds and then I say, oh, I can't show up because I am not perfect yet. , and guess what? I'm calling Bull. You don't need to be perfect and you don't need fancy photos. Just turn your camera on and smile your big beautiful smile and take some pictures of yourself.

[00:12:42] Show your true beauty of who you are. All right. Here's another thing. You all think that you need a fancy studio to get started in order to make art legitimately, you need that nice loft studio in New York City or wherever it is. Nope. We do see these dreamy images online. We see artists that have big, beautiful, several thousand square foot studios.

[00:13:07] I'm sure they worked really long and hard to get there. How fortunate are they? I admire them for having that. I would love to have the same, but guess what? That's not the position I'm in because I choose to work from home because I choose to be close to my family because I choose minimalism over the big space.

[00:13:27] And in all honesty, for years it was never even in my budget. And guess what? That's okay. Make art at your dining room table. Make art in your laundry room if that's all you've got. I. Artists who have done this, the garage, it's legitimate. And if you have one extra bedroom, even if it's a small bedroom, make it your own and make it the best that you can.

[00:13:50] You do not need a fancy studio to be a professional artist. You do not need it for your business, not even to record videos. No one cares if everything's set up. What they care about is that you're showing up with heart and you're showing your process. No fancy studio needed. What else do you not need?

[00:14:08] You do not need 10,000 followers on Instagram in order to be a legitimate business art business person. You just don't. I sold plenty of art when I had less than a thousand people on my Instagram following list in 2014, I probably sold more art. than I did even now . And that's because people connect with you, the people that are there.

[00:14:28] Can you imagine if you've only got, oh no, you only have 300 followers. Invite them all to dinner one night and tell me how many 300 people in your house would feel . That's a lot of people. That's a lot of people that you can connect with right now for whatever it is that you decide to do for your art.

[00:14:46] That's a lot of people. 3000 is a lot of people. 30,000 is a lot of people, and that number keeps growing, but guess what? Your energy and attention can't be given to all of them as that number grows, and that number might be a little bloated. Doesn't mean that you're actually connecting with all those people, but what is better is to show up online as yourself.

[00:15:07] Share your art, share your process, share your dreams. Share what you have to offer with the people who are there. Connect with the people who that, that are there rather than continuing to chase more numbers. Connect with people over numbers. Simple. Get started now with what you have with whoever's in your world around you.

[00:15:28] Look, we all have a lot of different options and paths that we can follow. We're all gonna be hitting up against these roadblocks. These are all things that. We think we need to have in place in order to start a business. But you don't need money. You don't need a perfectly designed website, and you don't need fancy equipment or studios or a perfect body in order to be a successful business person.

[00:15:55] All you need is your genuine self. and your talent. Look, I'm telling you right now, don't let the perfectionism stand in the way of doing the thing that you dream of doing.

[00:16:15] Here's what you need. Look, I've given you the list of all the things you don't need because I wanted you to break down these thoughts in your head about what might be preventing you from starting the thing that you really dream of doing. So I'm gonna tell you the very simple few things that will make a difference.

[00:16:32] In getting your business started. Okay. Look, some of them are practical and some of them are more mental, more, uh, mindfulness and manifestation type things. So here is what you do need. You do need social media. We're not gonna shun it. We're not gonna say it's not gonna be for us because the truth of the matter is, is this is.

[00:16:53] Businesses run. Now, social media is actually a gift to all of us because prior to social media, prior to the internet, you needed to take out ads. You need to do a big at-home mailing campaign where you sent your offer in the mail, in the junk mail and got it out there, or paid for an ad in a magazine or whatever it was you had.

[00:17:16] In order to find those new customers, you had to actually pay to find those new customers. Now we can just show up on social media. Share our heart and soul. Share the art that we're making, share our thoughts as we're creating it, and make the offer whether that offer is to sell the artwork, whether that offer is to teach about the artwork, or one of the other a hundred ideas that I listed on my very last podcast episode.

[00:17:39] and it doesn't mean that you need to be on every social media platform. Pick one. Pick your favorite. For me, it's Instagram. We all know that I'm on Instagram all the time, every day. Probably more. I'm sure that my headstone when I die will say she lived her life on Instagram. It's a . It's a fact that I have to live by right now, that it is a big part of my life.

[00:17:59] But guess what? For the most of my business has been organically built through showing up consistently on Instagram, sharing my heart and soul, talking to the people that are there, and just doing the thing consistently. So pick one social media outlet, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. Twitter, pick the one that A, you enjoy the most, and B, where you think that you're gonna be able to find the customers that work best for you, and then learn everything there is to learn about it and show up consistently and build it one day at a time.

[00:18:33] You can't say five years from now, I wish I would have. , do it now because it will compound over time and build. So yes, you do need social media, but you only need to pick one and to be consistent, showing up and sharing your art and sharing your heart and soul. Two, an email list is essential. I don't know how many times I've heard it and people are like, oh yeah, I meant to start that email list.

[00:18:59] Start it today. Right now. Even if you're not even sure where it's going, why? As much as I say social media is important, at any moment it can be shut down and you know that Where is MySpace? In fact, what happened to Facebook ? I mean, it's still there. It's still rules everybody's life, but PE people aren't using it like they used to use it.

[00:19:20] So now we're on Instagram, and guess what? TikTok is coming around the corner roaring. Past Instagram's fame, and I'm not ready to jump onto TikTok. I don't wanna have to do LinkedIn. I don't wanna have to do the next thing that comes around the corner, I mean, , there's always gonna be another social media outlet, and there's always gonna be some that follow to the wayside.

[00:19:40] And I think you've heard this story before. The only thing that we really have a little bit of control over is our email list, whatever control that may be. So start your email list Now, there are plenty of options out there for free email list builders, starting with MailChimp, which is where I started too.

[00:19:57] I think mail or light has a free option. A lot of people like low cost option, like flow desk research. What's gonna work for the best for you? And just get it started. They all have a landing page option where you can say, this is what my newsletter's about, and people can put their name in it and then make the offer over and over again.

[00:20:17] Hey, do you wanna hear. My newsletter that comes out once a week called Color for Your Inbox. I have a great color palette that I'm gonna give you. That's how I started building my email list. And so you do the same. Pick something that you wanna talk about that's relevant to where you're building your business, and then make the offer for people to get on that newsletter list of yours and show up every week or every other week with a message to share whether they're, you're sharing it to two people, or 200 people, or 2000 people.

[00:20:45] Share it from your heart. Don't just live on social media. Also connect with people in their inbox. So start that email list now. The third thing you need is a payment processor so that you can actually collect the money when you sell the art or you sell the course, or you sell the service to. Organize somebody's studio for them, whatever it is that you're gonna do to build your creative business, you need a payment processor, and guess what?

[00:21:12] Good news, they're free to start. They always take a little percentage. That's just the way the world works. So you can use Stripe or PayPal or Venmo. These are all really great options for just collecting the money. and the easiest way that people know how, PayPal seems to be really great in the sense that people all know it and have it.

[00:21:31] And I know that a lot, a lot of you are like, oh, but I don't love PayPal. Whatever. Choose Stripe. Stripe is the second largest credit card processor in the United States. It's reliable and safe. Sign up for a payment processor so you can collect the money. And then bonus thing that you probably. , but it's not urgent is a website, even if it's just a plain landing page.

[00:21:53] Or like I said, I hacked a blogger for a long time before I signed up for Squarespace. Just get the basic package so you can get that information out there and you can tell people how you're going to serve them, how you're gonna share your art with them. When your offer's gonna be, and having that website does not need to be perfectly designed.

[00:22:15] Just it's so easy to do it yourself. Now you're an artist, you're creative. You can find a way. Keep it simple, keep it bright, keep it uncomplicated. Tell people who you are, what you do, and share your art. Now, I will say for those of you who do want to create courses or other online offers that are all digitally produced, there's a lot of different ways in which you can build a business still very affordably using sites like Teachable Think ethic, Cajabi.

[00:22:45] I use simPRO. That's my favorite site for selling my courses. Uh, you can use Shopify if you're selling print on demand stuff. So there are a lot of options that you can use if you're ready to take your business to that level. However, before you go and sign up for that, start building these other things first, your presence on social media, your email list, and making sure you're ready to make that sale.

[00:23:09] Okay. Here is also what you need in order to build the business of your dreams. I've told you what you don't need, which is perfectionism. You don't need everything to be all perfectly designed. We've talked about that. You don't need a lot of money to get started. Believe it or not, with just a couple hundred dollars you can really launch your whole business.

[00:23:27] Really doesn't take a whole lot to get started, but it does take time and consistency and I have to. If we underestimate how much time it's gonna take, we might feel frustrated that we're not seeing the results immediately. And I've been doing this. Specifically the art business for 10 years now. Before that, I was doing other businesses and not one of them was making me much money at all.

[00:23:56] They were all good ideas. That built upon the other, that taught me a lot of lessons. Everything from my. House cleaning business to scrapbooking teaching, uh, to selling handmade cards, handmade baby dresses. At one point there were a lot of ideas and ways that I wanted to try and get this entrepreneurial spirit going and rolling, however, From the time that I made the decision to come back to art and show my first painting in the autumn of 2012 to now, it's taken me a decade of consistency to grow my business to multiple six figures because I had a lot of things that were starts and stops and by.

[00:24:39] Accounts failures or things that I discovered that were not perfect for me and not the direction I wanted to go. It takes time and consistency. If you're not playing the long game, if you don't have the end goal in sight and the strength to just keep going and learning and showing up, you're not going to find yourself in a place where you are achieving the dreams that you really are capable of doing.

[00:25:08] I'm telling you it is possible, but the difference between those who are successful and those who are not is those who are successful never quit. It's really as simple as that. It's the consistency in going, taking the time to do it and taking the time to show up. So another thing that is really helpful though, I wouldn't say putting too much pressure on, is.

[00:25:34] Having some identity about who you are as an artist and what kind of art you make. And I kind of touched on this in some of my previous episodes, especially in episode one and a little bit in the prologue. So there's a time for sorting all of this out that we need to take to discover who we are as artists.

[00:25:53] If you're just coming to art now and saying, Hey, I discovered art this. year, um, after Covid shut everything down and it's really saved me. Now I wanna sell, and I've only been doing this for six months. Well, unless you're like a super genius and you've got it all figured out, you might wanna give yourself a little bit more time to f really develop your voice.

[00:26:12] And really, when it comes to creating good work is again, comes back to time and consistency. and though we don't need to have it all worked out, and I'm not saying that you have to have a singular, really tight niche focus because that would be really hard for us creative souls to have to narrow in on just the one thing you're gonna do forever and ever.

[00:26:34] And ever and ever. And narrow. No, you get my point, right? , we don't wanna have to do that, but we can cut off the edges. We can say, okay, I know I'm not gonna try and do you know? Needle art at the same time that I'm trying to paint. Let's just focus on the painting, and I'm gonna take up all the different ways in which painting shows up for me.

[00:26:55] Florals, abstracts, landscapes, collage, and I'm gonna continue to explore that until there's something that will tie it together. And I will have an idea of who I am as an artist, why I am as an artist, and what lights me up. The reason I say this is essential that this. really something that's like a keystone in your business is that.

[00:27:19] Your knowledge about who you are will come through when you're talking about what it is that you offer. If you're hesitant, if you're unsure and you're like, Hey, look at this. Oh, this offer over here and this thing over here, and I like this too, and have you seen my birds? And also, have you seen my um, yarn ball over here?

[00:27:38] And it's just like you can't do all the things. because it'll be hard to communicate it and it'll be hard to communicate it effectively with confidence. So having some time to have some identity for who you are as an artist and what lights you up will make a huge difference in the success of your business.

[00:27:56] This is something that takes time and evolves over time and changes over time, and that's fine. But if you're still so new at this that you're not sure, take a little more time to get more. Sure. I promise you it will be worth it to really dive into your process, to dive into how you make art, to build out something that you're very proud of showing and sharing and selling.

[00:28:20] I'm not saying we never have doubts as artists, even when you're 10 years into your career, I still have doubts about the work that I make, but my confidence now is so much greater because I know. . When I go to into my studio, I know the steps that I take and I know that I'm doing what lights me up as an artist and when that comes through, when you're showing up.

[00:28:43] With your work in a way that lights you up, that's gonna just ooze out into everything you do, whatever kind of business that you're building based off of your creativity. And when I say art, I'm not just talking about painting, I'm talking about sculpture. I'm talking about fiber arts. I'm talking about music.

[00:29:01] I'm talking about writing, I'm talking about performance. Whatever is your art when it's oozing out of you in a way that just feels so alive and. People will be magnetized to. . And so I find that it's like one of the most essential things in building a business is knowing yourself, your identity, your why, and your passion for your art.

[00:29:25] And when you get to that point where you're starting to rub away and wear off all of those parts that are unsure and start coming into a little more alignment of who you are and what you love, it's gonna be a game changer for you in the way that you communicate. Your work to other people so that they will want to buy it or they will want to learn from you, or they will wanna be coached by you because.

[00:29:52] You have something that's lighting you up from the inside, and that's just gonna shine right through in your smile. I, I just don't know how else to explain it except for that I know it, and I know when I see it online, I know somebody who is just enthralled by the whole process of being an artist that it can't, you can't help but be infected by it in the best sort of way.

[00:30:15] And I will say there is one last thing that will really make a difference in getting where you're going. And this one might be the most challenging one to find, and that is support from like-minded people because it is a lonely, hard world out there people. It is really challenging to run a business and not have very many people around you understand what it actually means to be an entrepreneur.

[00:30:42] So finding like-minded people, whether you're gonna join a membership because there are several out there for entrepreneurs, uh, specifically one that might be in the art realm, so that. They understand your creative heart, which is very different from maybe an analytical person. Find friends who are artists who will understand you.

[00:31:02] Uh, hire a coach. Coaching can make a huge difference in kind of feeling like you're supported. When you need that next step to get yourself going, talk to the people who are closest to you and tell 'em what your needs are. It's okay to set some boundaries and say, I already have enough challenges trying to figure this out on my own.

[00:31:22] I don't need your input to tell me that. It's too scary to make money as an artist. Don't you want something more secure? Cuz you're gonna hear this and you're gonna have people say, what? What are you doing? What do you mean online? Oh, how cute. You have a little class that you teach online. My neighbor actually has said that , and I'm like, dude, I have thousands of people learning from me.

[00:31:44] I make more than a doctor now. Oh, oh, okay. No one's gonna get it except for the people who are doing it. And when you surround yourself by the people who are doing it, when you reach out and you build friendships and connections, when you find yourself in a like-minded community online, you're gonna get the nourishing support that you need in order to keep going through the hard.

[00:32:06] Parts of building this business. Those friendships are gonna be the ones that you can ask late at night. Hey, does this name for my course sound stupid? Or, or is it gonna sound really, or is it gonna really connect? And your friend can be honest with you. Like, I don't even know what that means. You're so far off in left field.

[00:32:23] How about coming back a little? What are you s What are you actually doing? Oh, so you're teaching an art journaling course. Why don't you say you're teaching an art journaling course and that's how good friends help each other through these hard times. And when you say, I'm so sad, I launched my course and I didn't have that many people take it and your friend can say, I love you for who you are.

[00:32:45] You did a very good job. And look at the 10 people that signed up for your course. You made a difference in their life. Now what did we learn and how are we gonna do it better the next time? I have friends like that and I have colleagues like that, and it's taken time. It's not always easy to find the right people in your life, but when you have someone who can get your back and maybe empathize a bit about the journey of an entrepreneur, the journey of an artist and an entrepreneur put together, cuz you know, Even more challenging.

[00:33:15] Well, it makes all the difference in the process of moving forward with this big dream of yours. So I highly recommend seeking out your community, seeking out your support system, and. Allowing yourself to make those connections that you're gonna really need to support you through the years as you're building the business of your dreams.

[00:33:41] So what do you think? Did I give you enough permission now? Because I have to tell you, you don't need my permission to be a professional artist, to be a creative entrepreneur, to build the life and business of your dreams. You don't need my permission. You just need the burning desire in your heart and.

[00:33:59] Show up. That's all you need. And I'm here though with Unfold to tell you how it all unfolds, to tell you the experiences that I've been through and all the crazy ways in which we're gonna experience the coming years together. I'm here also online on Kelly Win's studio. Instagram, that's K E L L E E W Y N N E studios.

[00:34:28] If you didn't already know where you can find me and reach out to me and join me for discussions about what we're talking about here on the podcast. Share with other friends what you're doing, share this podcast, and maybe that's a good way for you to be able to make connections with the people who have something in common with you who have similar dreams to you that can help support you along the way.

[00:34:53] And you know, my friends, the most important thing is to just show up as yourself. It's the hardest thing that you're gonna have to do, but it's also gonna be the most effective thing that you can do. Make the art that you dream of making, put it out into this world and keep doing it. That consistency will really pay off.

[00:35:19] All right, well, I hope this episode. helped you kind of break through some of those barriers of thinking that you're not ready for a business, and maybe it's given you some ideas on how you can actually get started today. If you enjoyed this podcast, please share it because sharing, commenting, liking, giving it a rating makes a huge difference in the success of the podcast and getting the message out to more people so that their lives.

[00:35:50] Be shifted a little bit by these ideas. That's my biggest goal. The more people I can help, the more artists that I can help have that aha moment, that that's really my biggest joy. Thank you so much for joining me, and just don't forget, if you want that PDF that I created 100 ways to make money as an artist without selling your art, just go to Kelleewynnestudios.com/100 and it's yours for free.

[00:36:20] You can download it today. All right, talk to you soon.

If you'd like to listen to or learn more about the podcast visit https://www.maderemarkable.com/blog for our show notes and links to the main players.